Kohana ‘filesystem’ Helper
A robust helper to handle everything file and folder-related within Kohana
Posted on Wednesday, August 20th, 2008 at 12:49 pm
Kohana is just an excellent framework to work with, but one of my beefs is that the structure of its bundled libraries and helpers is a little haphazard, missing basic functions you’d expect to find in the core (so you can rely on them when writing modules) omitted!
For this reason, here’s my attempt at a more integrated helper class. It’s somewhat of a Frankenstein’s monster with bits borrowed from Code Igniter, and my own code thrown in as well. Apart from this, it:
- Adds a few new methods
- Improves on some existing methods
- Combines the ‘download’ helper functionality
- Tidies up various method calls
The methods are:
- map()
- get_folders()
- get_files()
- delete_files()
- read_file()
- write_file()
- make_path()
- download()
Download filesystem.php here.
map ($path, $levels = NULL, $structured = FALSE, $files_first = FALSE)
Returns a hierarchical array of folders and files from the specified path.
The parameters are
- path : string – path to the folder
- [levels] : number – limit how many folders deep you want to recursively scan
- [structured] : boolean – split each returned branch into ‘/folder’ and ‘/files’ sub-arrays
- [files_first] : boolean – if not returning as a structured array, list files before folders
get_folders ($path, $appendPath = false)
Returns an array of folders from the specified path.
The parameters are
- path : string – path to the folder
- [append_path] : boolean – append the original path to the return output
get_files ($path, $mask = NULL, $appendPath = false)
Returns an array of files from the specified path.
The parameters are
- path : string – path to the folder
- [mask] : mixed – a file mask to determine which files to return. Can be either
- null – all files
- string – a single file extension
- array – an array of file extensions
- regular expression – any valid regular expression, for example ‘/^config/’
- [append_path] : boolean – append the original path to the return output
delete_files ($path, $mask = NULL, $del_dir = FALSE, $del_root = FALSE)
Recursively deletes all files and optionally folders from the specified path.
The parameters are
- path : string – path to the folder
- [mask] : mixed – a file mask to determine which files to delete. Can be either
- null – all files
- string – a single file extension
- array – an array of file extensions
- regular expression – any valid regular expression, for example ‘/^config/’
- [del_dir] : boolean – delete any directories encountered when prcoessing
- [del_root] : boolean – delete the root directory after processing
read_file ($file)
Opens the specified file and returns its contents as a string.
The parameters are:
- file: string – path to the folder
write_file ($path, $data, $append = FALSE)
Writes data to the specified file.
The parameters are
- path : string – path to the folder
- data : string – the data you want written to the file
- [append] – boolean – optionally append data to the file, rather than overwriting it
make_path ($path, $permissions = 0755)
Recursively create folders to form the specified path.
The parameters are
- path : mixed – path or an array of paths
- [permissions]: number – permissions you want granted to the new folders
download ($filedata, $filename = NULL)
Download file content by popping up a download dialog in the user’s browser.
The parameters are
filedata : mixed – can either be
- filepath – the path to an existing file
- string – data you want downloaded as a file
- [filename] : string – a filename that will appear in the user’s download dialog
So… how do I install and use this? You make no notes of that.
What folder do I put it in? How do I access the functions?
The same as you would any other Kohana Helper. Just stick it in your application/helpers directory and then call it as normal, for example:
Very nice helper … you should add this to the new projects.kohanaphp.com site. Haven’t seen you around the Kohana forums in a while … are you still using Kohana?
Hey Neovive,
I’ve been on Flash and AJAX projects for the past while, but a personal project and another commercial project I need to do both need Kohana in the next short while, so you’ll probably see a bit more of me!
To be honest I was getting tired of the seemingly endless changes in the core, so I hope by now they’ve settled down.
I’ll check the projects site too – that sounds like a nice addition!
Things have definitely stabilized with Kohana — I was getting concerned as well. There are now separate 2.x and 3.x branches. The 2.x branch is very stable and is maintained by a separate team with the goal of long term support and stability. The 3.x branch is experimental and completely separate at the moment.
Great helper! i like it very much, thx a lot.