“List” struct

Easily create associative array-like structures in 3dsmax

Posted on Friday, June 6th, 2008 at 6:21 pm

As 3dsmax doesn’t allow for either associative arrays or dynamically-set object properties, it can be difficult to store unstructured, arbitrary variables.

Sometimes you just want to store lists of name/value pairs, to keep track of a few settings throughout your script, without relying on a host of variables, resorting to .ini files, or custom attributes.

Therefore, I set about writing a basic Dictionary, or List struct, similar to VB and other languages.

Example code

Here’s a really basic example of storing 5 named variables within a List:

names = #("five", "four", "three", "two", "one")
values = #(5,4,3,2,1)
lst = List()

for i = 1 to 5 do lst.addItem names[i] values[i]

So let’s get some data back out:

lst.getValue "two"
-- 2

lst.getIndex "two"
-- 4

-- #(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

Or print the whole lot:

lst.print() -- unsorted

five:   5
four:   4
three:  3
two:    2
one:    1

How about some sorting:

lst.sort() -- by name, alphabetically

five:   5
four:   4
one:    1
three:  3
two:    2

lst.sort field:#value -- by value

one:    1
two:    2
three:  3
four:   4
five:   5

As you can see, it’s pretty straightforward stuff!

Properties and Methods


  • items – the key/value pairs.
    • Names can be a #name, “string”, or even an index
    • Values can be any MaxWrapper value (i.e. anything)


  • addItem – adds an item to the List, and if it already exists
  • setItem – synonym for the above


  • getValue – returns the value of the named item
  • getIndex – returns the index of the named item
  • getName – returns the name of the first item that matches the supplied value
  • getItem – returns the List item corresponding to the supplied name (typically, you wouldn’t use this, as you know the name component already, it’s just included for completeness)
  • getItems() – returns all items as an array of ListItem structs
  • getNames() – returns all names as an array
  • getValues() - returns all values as an array

Clear or delete

  • clear() – clears the lit of all items, and returns the empty ListItems array
  • deleteItem – deletes the named item from the list, and returns it
  • deleteIndex – deletes the item at the index, and returns it


  • sort field: order: func: – sorts the list in a variety of ways, even supply a comparison function (see the max help on qsort)
  • print() – prints the List items to the Listener

Next version

Possible improvements in the next version might be:

  • .ini file integration, with save() and load() methods
  • Support for hierarchical Lists, perhaps getValue #(#parent, #child, #grandchild, …)


Download List.struct.ms here.

One Response to ““List” struct”

  1. diffx |

    Hey Dave,

    Thanks for saving me a lot of time. I was thinking of a better way to organise my struct-arrays, and this is exactly what I was looking for. I’ll add a new comment whenever I get time to test it a little better.


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