
Hi there,

My name’s Dave Stewart, I’m a specialist animator / developer from London, UK, embracing, amongst other things, the colourful marriage between animation and coding. That said, I love anything technical, interactive, and bad-ass, really.

My main portfolio site is at www.davestewart.co.uk, but this is where I upload, share and promote anything that’s purely code-based.

Not all the scripts here are production-ready, but I stick ‘em up anyway as some of them are pretty interesting anyway (by all means leave comments and I’ll do what I can to fix things if I have the time).

If I’m not developing, I’m animating, and if I’m not animating I’m developing.

And if I’m not doing either, then I’m probably available to hire ;)

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Jump to: All development (by date) | After Effects Flash HTML JavaScript MaxScript PHP VBA XML

After Effects

  • After Effects Tracker
    Export 3dsmax objects' tracking data (4-corner pin, 2 point track, position) directly to After Effects



  • Comment Headings
    Enable easy navigation of code using GIANT comments made up of block characters
  • Flash "PHPLoadVars" class
    Natively send complex / multidimensional variables from Flash to PHP with this extended LoadVars class
  • Ideal default Flash IDE setup for Developers
    Instructions on how to set up the Flash IDE for hassle-free AS3 development






  • Collapse and Replace
    Collapse multiple objects into one mesh, preserving materials, and optionally replace a single target object.
  • Spherical Spline
    Create a perfect sphere using just one spline
  • Spline Tools
    Tools for easily editing the in and out tangents of a spline shape
  • Twist Profile
    Apply a curve-defined twist to any geometry


  • Particle Visualizer and Papervision3D Exporter
    A script to visualize particle motion and export particle and camera data to Flash's Papervision 3D


  • Network-Render all Cameras
    Automatically submit all cameras to a network render, rendering the correct frames, and save the output to the correct directories
  • Render Size Presets
    A dockable toolbar providing controls to quickly render different sized images
  • RenderWanger
    Save and load render presets


  • Simple Credits
    Creates sequential text objects. Useful for credits, etc.
  • Text Layout Tools
    Tools for quickly laying out (and naming) text shapes for modelling and animation
  • Text LOD
    Toggle the geometry of a text object with a bitmap for lightening-quick viewport updates


  • 3ds Converter
    Batch-converts 3ds files to max format
  • Copy Hierarchy Names
    Copies names from one hierarchy to another, replacing text such as 'left' to 'right'
  • Soft Instance
    Instance an object leaving certain properties un-instanced. Useful to create families of objects with variations upon a theme

UI Design

  • ActiveX TreeView Functions
    A set of functions for manipulating ActiveX Treeviews
  • Easy Icons
    A range of code-only icons to spice-up your UI and minimize distribution files
  • Flash UI Examples
    Character select, graphing and joystick control examples of using Flash as a rich interface to 3dsmax
  • HTML Help Template
    An HTML template for a good-looking help system for your scripts
  • HTML Interface
    A set of functions that allow you to run any MaxScript command from a rollout's ActiveX HTML control
  • Progress Bar Updater
    A struct to simply and easily update a progress bar by providing just start and end values, and calling update()
  • UI Manager
    Save and load rollout settings, such as size, position, control states, items, etc to a preferences file


  • AutoZoom
    Auto-zooms the display to the selected object
  • Copy Object Properties
    A quad-menu shortcut to quickly copy properties from another object
  • Hide Objects According to Visibility
    Make objects properly "invisible" in the viewports when their visibility is 0
  • Open all groups
    Recursively set all groups open or closed.
  • Spinner Precision
    Quickly set the spinner precision


  • Flash UI Examples
    Character select, graphing and joystick control examples of using Flash as a rich interface to 3dsmax
  • Get Unmapped Objects
    Selects all objects without proper mapping co-ordinates
  • Macro Lister
    Scans all installed macros by category, and creates a dockable tree-view
  • Open Most-recent File
    Opens the most recent file, be it an autobackup or a saved file
  • Set and get paths
    Assign default paths to both scene and MAXScript directories
  • Show Last-hidden
    Unhide geometry in the order it was hidden
  • Viewport Layout Manager
    Adds a toolbar that allows you to swap between viewport layouts on the fly, remembering settings per viewport between layouts.


  • After Effects Tracker
    Export 3dsmax objects' tracking data (4-corner pin, 2 point track, position) directly to After Effects
  • Animated Surface Align
    Stick one animated object to the animated surface of another, maintaining orientation in 3 axis
  • Camera Animator
    Animates a master camera thourgh a series of locked-off shots, and user-defined times
  • Filter Trackbar Keys
    Show only specific keys / tracks on the trackbar
  • Particle Visualizer and Papervision3D Exporter
    A script to visualize particle motion and export particle and camera data to Flash's Papervision 3D
  • Path Controller 2
    A scripted controller setup that allows you to animate the distance along a path in real-world units
  • Scripted Look-at Controller
    A 1-dimensional look-at; useful for trees, billboards, etc.
  • Transform Presets
    Save and restore transformations as presets to objects such as cameras, IK handles, etc.


  • Camera Animator
    Animates a master camera thourgh a series of locked-off shots, and user-defined times
  • Network-Render all Cameras
    Automatically submit all cameras to a network render, rendering the correct frames, and save the output to the correct directories
  • Transform Presets
    Save and restore transformations as presets to objects such as cameras, IK handles, etc.
  • Vertigo
    The classic Hitchcock "Vertigo" effect

For Scripters

  • "List" struct
    Easily create associative array-like structures in 3dsmax
  • ActiveX Inspector
    Lists all ActiveX controls, and lets you interactively test their methods and properties
  • Excel Functions
    A set of functions to get you started with communication with Excel
  • Progress Bar Updater
    A struct to simply and easily update a progress bar by providing just start and end values, and calling update()
  • Time Stamper
    A struct to make light work of timing tasks, benchmarking, etc
  • UI Manager
    Save and load rollout settings, such as size, position, control states, items, etc to a preferences file
  • VMS Tidy
    Re-arranges and beautifies Visual MaxScript output


  • MAXSnake!
    Use your mouse to play a variation on the classic arcade game 'Snake'!
  • Random 3D Spline
    A bit of fun that animates a line!
  • Spherical Spline
    Create a perfect sphere using just one spline
  • Z-buffer to boxes
    Visualize the z-buffer of an image using boxes


  • "List" struct
    Easily create associative array-like structures in 3dsmax
  • Multimaterial From Folder
    Create a set of multimaterials from a folder of textures
  • Time Stamper
    A struct to make light work of timing tasks, benchmarking, etc


  • Default Material
    Applies a default material to objects on creation
  • Multimaterial From Folder
    Create a set of multimaterials from a folder of textures
  • MultiMaterial Propogator
    Creates a multimaterial from a folder of bitmaps, based on a template material
  • Plane from bitmap
    Builds both planes and materials from a folder of images
  • Random Multimaterial
    Creates families of slightly-random multimaterials







    • XML / XSLT site management tool
      1-click login to all your site logins, databases, password-protected pages, memberships, ftp areas etc.