Particle Visualizer and Papervision3D Exporter
A script to visualize particle motion and export particle and camera data to Flash's Papervision 3D
Saturday, May 10th, 2008
Papervision 3D is the latest in 3D development for the Adobe Flash platform. It supports a variety of methods for creating 3D content, from basic primitives, to import via the Collada file format. However, being XML-based, Collada files are pretty huge – getting a 300 frame, 150 particle animation into Flash was creating files that were about 22MB!
After trying various approaches to get animation data from 3dsmax to Flash, Good Technology got in contact with me to write an exporter in Max Script for their latest Papervision job for the Audi RS6 microsite.
The plugin has 2 main functions:
- Visualize particle motion before export
- Export particle and camera data from max’s Z-up coordinate system to Papervision’s Y-up coordinate system
More information and screengrabs are available on my portfolio site.
As with all interfaces I write for 3dsmax, I do my best to provide as much feedback as possible. Note:
- Group titles are updated with the latest information
- Dropdowns have an update button
- Tasks have multiple customization options
- Progress bars and dialog preferences come as standard
This plugin is not available for download, however please contact me if you wish to discuss custom Papervision3D or any other development.