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Types of pages

The wiki pages currently are made up by three general types of pages:

  • Introductory page: some brief information about the project, with a shallow hierarchy of of H1 and H2 tags and and generally simpler formatting.
  • User guide: more in depth information, with a moderate hierarchy of H1 and H2 tags, with a wide range of formatting such as lists and code.
  • API: a strong H1, H2 and H3 hierarchy with H3 tags mainly reserved for methods, and a lot of code tags.

Existing formatting

Whilst the general layout of the Projects site is OK, the formatting falls way short of its potential:

  • Structure: H1 and H2 tags are used to delineate content, whilst H3 tags are used mainly to denote method signatures in API pages. However, it is almost impossible to make this out!
  • Block level formatting: Generally, it all tends to run into each other, with little or no indenting, borders or whitespace, which makes it difficult to scan long pages.
  • Inline Formatting: Inline formatting is generally underused, with little or no emphasis between unformatted and formatted.